Thursday, January 21, 2010

...Winter White

The 'hunting & gathering' has basically stalled out here in the cold NorthEast, and those of us going through 'stuff withdrawal' have LOADS of time on our hands to fill... productively?!! Though I haven't had much of interest to Blog about lately, there has been MUCH going on 'behind-the-scenes'. You know that exciting sorting, cleaning, organizing, purging, and yes - even a few projects getting finished up! Here is one that I started last Winter, but it got put on hold when some seeds needed sowing in hopes of Spring... ...this 'Winter White' plarn bag is f-i-n-a-l-l-y complete, and I'm loving it! I've been using my last plarn bag for well over a year on a daily basis, and I can't believe how amazingly well these things hold up (and I pack it FULL of stuff to cart to and from work every day!!). I just decided I was ready for a new color scheme and a few minor modifications (ie: more interior pockets, longer straps to go over bulky sweaters/coats easier, etc...). The more I check out some of the plarn creations people are doing on ETSY though (if you want some REAL eye candy - check out BLUESKYBAGS etsy shop!!), I'm kinda craving one in a Blue/green/aqua color-way (go-figure!) - I've said it before, this plarn stuff IS ADDICTING!!
This isn't to say that I have stayed away from the Thrifts completely... Let me introduce my first Royal Haeger find of 2010 - a great pair of mugs for $1.58.


Vintage Christine said...

What is plarn? I guess I should follow your link and I'd probably find out. I need one of those! The mugs are beautiful. I've been finding alot of Haeger but not much ROYAL Haeger but I'm always on the lookout.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Impressive find...those mugs! I am also feeling the effects of no yard and estate sales...went to a thrift store yesterday and bought nothing...worse yet, went antiquing last week and also bought nothing. Seriously...Spring can't come soon enough for me.
♥, Susan