I've been doing a little last minute 'Deep Spring Cleaning' before the impending June garage sale. The latest attack has been on the depths of my attic Studio / Storage!
I am proud to say that I have emptied FIFTEEN FEET of shelf space!!
Yes, this was a DIFFICULT purge... but I have cleared out MY FIRST TWO COLLECTIONS!
Do YOU remember your first collection(s)??
In 3rd grade I started reading the TRIXIE BELDEN Mystery book series. Ahhhh... The Bobwhites of The Glen! Anybody remember them? I was hooked! I couldn't get enough! Devoured them! I think that I was only given 3 or 4 new for birthday or Xmas presents - but my girlfriends and I swapped, I borrowed them from the library, found them at garage sales... and for the last 37yrs they have survived several moves, and finally resided once again in a prominent spot ~ next to NANCY DREW! (who's series I adored and fawned over 'almost' as much!! ...and was also purged...)
Like I said, there was a 'group' of us who adored these mystery books! I remember 7 of us even formed our own version of the 'BOBWHITES', except we called ourselves 'The Bluejays'. We didn't have the luxury of a fancy Cottage for our clubhouse, just an old fort in the Pines. We always tried to dream up 'mysteries' ~ but there never really were any... We did have some fun Penny Carnivals though to raise money for UNICEF - does that count?! OHHhhh, the memories...... (thanks for letting me reminisce here!)
Through the years, I kept collecting these books - the 1950's series, 1960's series, 1970's series... The artwork changes, the content stays the same. AMAZING that some books can be so timeless that they can appeal to 'youth' for such a long span of time!
NOW, with a bit of heavy heart, but with much FREE SPACE 8-), they are on the auction block!! You can go check some out HERE if you know a little one that might like some summertime reading!!
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(okay, so maybe I haven't parted with my 'FAN CLUB FOLDER' - complete with membership card and Bookmark - just yet! ...baby steps...) |