Wednesday, July 28, 2010
..."I need more Haeger."...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
...Dear 17 yr. old S-...
It seems that 'letters to a younger self' are a recent rage on blogs - HULA SEVENTY (scroll down to JUNE 27 post) and FABOOLOSITY are just a couple that I can think of off the top of my head that have touched on the subject lately, though, I KNOW I have seen a bunch more! This is a concept that Richard Bach actually explored many, many moons ago when he first wrote about trying to leave 'signs' to his 'younger self'. Something, that I've always found very intriguing.
I've been thinking about what I would want to say to a 17 yr old me, but I really wouldn't want to change anything major! All the struggle - the heart break, the failed/retaken college calculus & fortran classes, the rejected job resumes... these have all ultimately made me who I am today - and I have to admit that I am at a pretty darn happy & content place in my life right now 8-)!
Then, the other night I was cleaning out an old trunk of TRUE JUNK, and I came across an unopened package... THE 'Mauve Atrocity'! Picture it folks... The Year: 1985... Full Length... Ruffles... The Works. Oh yeh. GAG. Dress shopping with Mom... Only girl after three boys... had never been to a dance.... now I am going to THE Senior Ball.... NOT my kind of thing at all - but Mom had been dreaming of this forEVER!... I couldn't even begin to tell you how many shops we went to... Mom & I have completely different taste in EVERYTHING!... add to this that it had to be a tall size... I finally gave in on a 'Mom's choice' just to be DONE with it... the shoppe had a new one mailed to us as the 'floor model' had stains... it arrived... two weeks before the Ball boyfriend of 9mo breaks it off with me... no Ball for S-... dress has remained unopened in package for 25 years! I'm thinking Halloween costume one of these years!!
Oh well, my youngest older brother (#3, 6yrs older) took pity. He and his fiance' took me for a night of serious partying (the likes of which this 16 yr old will never forget!!) in Rochester. The Lilac Festival was going on... Let's just leave it at... it was out of control! As for the date that dumped me... we are still friends, and he still feels WAY horrible about the whole thing. Do I have any regrets - NOT a ONE! Mom got to do her 'dress shopping thing'. (which I circumvented when it came time for my wedding by wearing her 50yr old wedding gown!! I WAS NOT going through the Dress Thing EVER AGAIN!!) and I didn't have to wear the Mauve Atrocity- so all's well that ends well!
I do wish I could find signs from the 80 yr old me...
Sunday, July 25, 2010
...maybe, just maybe, nope!....
That I AM going to get it figured out!
That I WILL get it down to a science!
There are a few stops along the Route that seem to NEVER fail, and I make a point of stopping at. One house in particular. It sits alone. LOVELY, shaded gardens. Has an 'actual' Garage out back with stuff in it for sale (what a novel concept for a 'Garage Sale'!). They are just home owners, who purge 'junk' (albeit 'cool' junk) every year! The highlights of their sale this year were TONS of Off-beat clothes (not my size...), $1.50 pots of Butterfly Bushes (I bought 2!), funky jewelry (which I forgot to photo!), and hankies/scarves 10¢ea! They had T.O.N.S of other stuff, but those were the main things that took my eye..
Look at this VERA scarf (2010 #22) I found there - have you ever seen anything like it???
I also picked up this Micro-mosaic cross for $1. to join this pin that I found last week for .10¢
Thee B.E.S.T. find of the day?
We didn't do the FULL 50 miles - only 45 miles. We got home at 4:18 pm absolutely BEAT!! It was one LONG DAY!! I don't like ((RUSHING)) when I'm saling (which is what you have to do if you are going to get all 50 miles in and get to the GOOD stuff before other people!!). Why do these people start closing up their sales at noon?? Good Grief Folks!!!! Just how much can I rush through in 4 hours??? (3hrs when some of you don't even open up until 9am!) ARGH!
I guess it was a Good day. We did end up with a Tri-fecta, and we had a lot of fun together. I got to go to a place I had never eaten for lunch, and looking back and I come home with some good STUFF!
Now, after a day of COMPLETE PLAY, the zucchini from the garden would like to be made into something yummy and the herbs that I have had drying would like to be bottled, so time to be productive!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
NOT SO this week! ...or many weeks lately!!
That's okay. I had a 'Curbstone Festival' to attend! (glorified sidewalk sale in a quaint neighboring town on a beautiful lake!) I usually get a good head-start on my Christmas Shopping at their quality clothing stores, interesting housewares shoppes and abundant Christmas boutiques, but this year... on a gorgeous Friday... I bought... A BOTTLE OF WATER (yeh, all that shopping made me thirsty.)
So, I stopped into a little basement thrift to cool down and revive for a few minutes before venturing on. What did I lay my eyes upon?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
but after that, do we head to this:
(the crowds will be M.U.C.H. smaller today, than their 3 HOUR waiting line to get in on opening day - which I Refuse to do!!)
(a local Historic Mill that has moved production to a different facility and the original mill is only open 1 day a year for tours, which we have never done before. There is supposed to be a nearby flea market open too...)
What would you do ???
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
When was the last time 10¢ made you this happy?...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
...FOUR for The 4th!...
The down side of walking, is that you REALLY have to M.O.V.E. it, to hit as many sales as you would like to before they start to close. I found that since it was such a hot day, a LOT of them had closed early and just put all of their stuff out by the curb with a big FREE sign on it... (hey, I had walked all this way, I wasn't going to be put off!) Top FOUR free finds... Woodpecker lawn/tree decoy, GEORGES BRIARD hot plate, 4 B/W cloth table runner, NIB Cookie Press w/Cookie Cookbook, bags & bags of STERLING and cool jewelry (okay, so maybe that's more than 'FOUR'...)
From NH it was off to the Maine coast.... ~sigh~ 8-)
The birds left some berries for me - OH, does it get much better?!
50's metal shelf, white HAEGER pot w/ sticker (.25¢, 2010 #19) and an atomic pottery ashtray.