Sunday, March 22, 2015

...When it rains

I would like to say "When it rains, it POURS"...
but around here, it's just been Freezing as it comes down! (view from our back porch last Wednesday and VERY similar Sat a.m.)

Despite the weather, we have been on STUFF OVERLOAD this past week!

There was an Aunt's apt. that was being cleaned out, and we were able to take a few NICE pieces:
STARBURST CLOCK - not currently working, but we WILL find a way!!
HAEGER VASE (2015 #2) - You're allowed to bring 'certain banned things' into your home when they are from family -right?!!
and a MidCentury tension pole lamp. (The verdict isn't in yet as to whether this is a keeper?!!)

SAT. am brought NASTY weather, AND the first sign of SPRING-

nothing monumental... just a GOOD.JUNK.FIX!

some FUN bling!
a VERA scarf (2015 #1 - REALLY?! this is the FIRST?? )
a sweet Child's SWEATER CLIP (2015#4 )
~that's all!!~

Oh, and did I mention that 2wks ago J signed us up for a spot at an Antique Co-Op??  

This is our new 10'x7' "home away from home"!!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

...Fingers crossed!

A recent trip to my hometown resulted in this...

With TWO of these...

A quick scan on the internet found these...

So a Good cleaning produced THESE...

Wish us luck!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Thursday, March 5, 2015

..."puke path"?!

During these 'short', cold days of Winter, it takes 'little' to amuse me, but I 'think' you may get a chuckle out of some of my recent finds, too!

The fabulous Miss R (my roadtrippin' buddy) joined me on Wednesday for a leisurely breakfast,  some 'errands' and a little Thriftin'. My Wednesday thrifting finds ran the gamut from the 'Usuals' (Part of a Sweater Clip -2015#3, some shell jewelry parts and enamel pins)

NOT a place I venture often, but sometimes you gotta do, what you gotta do. I had never heard of ANY of these games before...

The first game- 1971 'CAREERS' by Parker Bros.
The cover has Seriously Retro 'flower power' graphics - the box was sealed at the edges by 'someones' diligence with clear packing tape.  Thus, I couldn't check out the playing pieces, or actually know 'For.Sure.' what was within.
I came home and carefully sliced the seal.  As I was preparing to lift the cover, my thoughts roamed...
Did a previous owner do this, and even the Thrift has no idea as to the contents?...
Did the Thrift do this to keep a TON of UNIQUE playing pieces from getting pocketed?...
and here's what I found...

A COMPLETE game with fun cards
almost .65¢ ! (one penny is Canadian, so technically we can't count that as a full cent.)

The 2nd game 'MixMax' is missing it's dice, but has FUN GRAPHICS!
 The third game really had me scratching my head ~ TIPSY LAND!
It has the rules of 'Shutes and Ladders', but instead of a 'shute' there is a 'puke path'.  The final destination 'BAR'.  It does have adorable GLASS shot glasses and a wonderfully graphic GLASS playing board...  But, really?  Mixing this many GLASS objects with intoxicated people can't possibly end good!!!

Monday, March 2, 2015

..." it's a Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood, A Beautiful day for..."


Saturday morning had us 'on-the-road' by 5:15AM!
...places to go...
...people to meet...
...things to do!
WHAT? "Minus 11 degrees" you say?!  Didn't even phase us, just put on ANOTHER layer - "Negatives" have become 'The-Norm' these days!!
  First Stop: LETCHWORTH STATE PARK (ETA: 7:30am!)

The partially frozen Falls, under the OLD Train Bridge...
It was COLD!!

These photos are all by J, except this ONE Selfie!
It was about all I could muster in the sub-zero temps!!

...but sooo AMAZING!!

We stop by here for a Photo-Shoot Every year, but this year it seemed much Grander (ie: COLDER!!)
Below are some photos for Comparison-
First is  'FOUNTAIN 2011' and in the next photo is 6'-0"tall ME standing in front of 'FOUNTAIN 2015' (for size reference!!)

NEXT STOP:  CARTWRIGHTS MAPLE TREE INN! (ETA: 8:45am to meet up with College Buddy 'L')

 I have written about this Breakfast Journey in the past, so anyone 'REALLY' Interested can read about it HERE.)

Enroute HOME, we made a Detour through Corning.
No.  We didn't stop by the Museum/Factory, but that is on our 'Summer-time' Bucket list. 
 Our Destination was:

We did NOT purchase any Lovely STEUBEN Glass, or even any PYREX (both native to this area!!)!  We did find a few 'SOUVENIRS' to take home with us though!!
2015 Sweater Clips #1 & #2, and a Hatpin - $1 EACH!!


J broke our 'NO MORE HAEGER" mantra, with this Beautiful, burgundy piece!

I have to confess, he was a STEAL @ $5, and he does fit in Wonderfully with the rest of our School!! (HAEGER 2015#1)

**In one of the Antique Store, an employee walked by me and said "For some reason I have had that Mr. Rogers' song in my head all morning" and then we both proceeded to say "It's a Beautiful day in the Neighborhood"!!