Tuesday, April 8, 2014

...'politically incorrect' post.

How time flies, when you have absolutely N.O.T.H.I.N.G. to write about.
So, as the rest of the world is warming up, and we're NOT...
SWEET,SWEET Train Case & Vintage Coral/Pink Smoke-Infinity scarf found at the last day of an Estate Sale for a whopping total of $2.25!  LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! this scarf!!!!!!
 J & I have been going to a few hit or miss (mostly BIG misses!) estate sales.  I Finally attended my first rummage sale of the season on Saturday morning ~ talk about a MOB scene!!!
 Picked up a few odds-n-ends for repurposing...

 Picked up a few Mid-Century & Retro pieces for resale

 and then I found this little .50¢ guy that made me SOO happy!!  My Grandmother started me on an 'old-fashioned' Sterling charm bracelet when I was about 12.  I have made it into a 'journey bracelet' - only adding souvenir charms.  Well, with the popularity of the 'Italian' charm bracelet and 'Pandora' charm bracelet, etc..., etc... - you can't buy the cheap, cheezy little charms on every street corner anymore!!  Needless to say, I've been to Disney twice and didn't have a charm from there - NOW I DO! 
 It looked like the same person was getting rid of there entire charm bracelet 'collection' - (each bracelet complete w/ charms only .50¢  and all sterling) - so I grabbed them - who knows, I may need South Dakota or Alaska someday ;-)

(MY BRACELET...and YES- there is LOTS of room left!!!!)

VERA2014#1 $1

The other morning I met up with a friend for breakfast. I showed up wearing my 'newest' favorite scarf.  While chatting she asked if it was one of 'those' infinity scarves....  I said not really because it is vintage, so technically it is a SMOKE RING scarf - but that is too Politically Incorrect for them to be called now.  I told her that I had a few of the 'originals' at home and promise I would do a CLOSET COLLECTION post on them so here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure....

FAYS!!?! I remember them!!

Not sure why you need all of these complicated instructions, when all you have to do is pull it on over your head!!?!

VERA did a few of these - check it out here

Thanks to 'Ms. Tabatha Katt' for being such a Wonderful model ;-)



Linda @ A La Carte said...

I never tire of your Vera collection!! I love my old charm bracelet and would grab any I saw for 50 cents? REALLY?? Score!

Unknown said...

I die that you found those charm bracelets for pennies! The little globe charm alone is killer. I have a silver charm bracelet too that was started when I was a baby and I always look for charms for it when I travel! My mom has one and I started one for my daughter as well. Love that tradition!

Rob and Monica said...

You had so many great finds! We have those "glass grapes" in our house too~! (Rob)

Robin K. said...

Great post! I have one of those charm bracelets too and haven't added to it in years!! I may have to wear that to work tomorrow:). And I DO remember Fay's!!! Do you remember Key's????!!!!