S.T.I.L.L. playing catch-up from our time 'recharging' - you know the scenario...
Oh well. I know that the pile of laundry won't go anywhere without me! ...and for now, it can wait ~ more important things to do ~ like saling and egg 'painting'!!
Vintage jet black glass beads... only purchase Sat morning from Rummage Sale...
Wednesday I was perusing the ads and found them rather sparse, with the only things sparking my interest being a Rummage Sale Sat. morning and a PYSANKY workshop Sat. afternoon.
After recently viewing some Ukranian decorated eggs, they have really piqued my interest, and for about the last month I have been chanting/pouting "I want to PAINT an EGG!" (though, it's not a method of 'painting' at all!).
The workshop was 3hrs.
A Perfect way to spend a rainy, dreary & windy afternoon
I completed 1 egg.
We were sent home with all the tools, wax and 5 packs of special dye - everything to continue on our way to make more eggs... Will I?
A friend even loaned me her stash of books for ideas of patterns...
That's sooo pretty!
And your "chanting" made me giggle. :)
Your egg is beautiful! I've always wanted to try that, just once. Are you going to make any more?
I love it - so pretty!
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