Thursday, January 22, 2009

...International Short Story 101

WHY are some 'things'... or should I say some 'areas' in our lives so tough to purge? As I plunge forward with my 'lightening of the spirit' resolution for 2009, this question has been rattling around in my head... One day, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g can go; the next, nothing. Why am I more than ready to get rid of some things, and others I wouldn't part with for a million dollars?

Last weekend I was 'purging' the bookshelves in the spare room... I had wiped free 3/4 of one shelf, then I came to a brick wall. My International Short Story Authors: Franz Kafka... J.D. Salinger...D.H.Lawrence..... I.S.S. was the first credited college course I took during my Sr. year of High School. Over the years I have continually picked up books by these authors when I could unearth them. They have finally found their way to the 'out' box.

On the next shelf was my collection of 'stupid-no mind-beach' reads. You know, those books you pick up on the cheap to take on vacation, and leave behind when done... This part of the shelf was 'unread', so of course they were 'keeps'. Then I stumbled onto one that had gone on vacation with me a couple of years ago to the Turks & Caicos - and came back with me! NOW YOU SEE HER by Whitney Otto. There isn't much written about this book, but to sum it up, it's about a woman on the verge of her 40th birthday that finds herself disappearing - both physically and figuratively. When I originally ready this book, I was on the eve of my Forties (oh, the good ole days!!), and I think that is the reason I was attracted to it.

Now I wonder, do we feel the need to hang onto certain things as proof of 'that part of me once existed'?? By letting go of my Int. Short Story collection, will my long ago learned appreciation for the meaning behind the written word start to 'DISAPPEAR'?? Is some of our 'stuff' just personal souvenirs of 'the glory days'? Were 'those' the best days of my life or are 'these'??

'THESE' seem like pretty damned good days, and I think that is all the more motivation to purge some of the old, to make room for current! I think that some day I shall look back at NOW with great fondness...

Now, you're still trying to figure out the 'WHY' of the photos inserted in this post... No good answer. They are just photos of the strays that have gathered on my desk. The big strong Cowboy came 'spilling out' when we tore down a wall years ago. He just makes me smile, along with his entourage of Turtle, Duck and Skunk. Lately, I have being seeing posts where people are re-creating these old 'Bead Head / pipe cleaner' characters and I thought he might be a little added inspiration!

1 comment:

Shara said...

Hmmm....making bald head/pipe cleaner characters? Guilty as charged.

I have been tossing and donating like crazy. But, then I find something weird and I have to keep it. My books on sign language that I used my Senior year to work with deaf preschoolers is a good example. I remember the sign language for the most part and I never use it. But, those books were so important to me once upon a time. I decided to keep them, using The Bean as an excuse - perhaps he would like to learn sign language. Maybe they'll gt tossed on the next big purge. But not yet.