Thursday, January 31, 2008

...playing with my toys!!

BEFORE (gold-toned window)

In the dead of Winter, us NorthEasterners are sometimes forced to be productive... for lack of anything better to do with our time! Such was the case at our house the other day. We recently upgraded to energy efficient windows and had the OLD painted window trim replaced with oak to match the rest of the first floor trim. In doing so, it called for revamping new valances on our Dining Room windows, which house some of my sweater clip collection (rhinestones and gold-tones).

I DO NOT enjoy sewing
My mother did encourage my participation in a 4H group which focussed on sewing from 5th-7th grade, so I DO know the basics (Buttons, pinning, patterns, snaps, hems, mending...) - my first 'accomplishment' was a pink gingham apron. It just stresses me out 'thinking' about doing it! So, I had Tuesday off of work... I had procrastinated and 'planned in my head' long enough - it was going to be The Day! I took inventory of my sewing box (thread... straight pins... tape measure... scissors...). I found a thread to match the fabric... I measured... I pinned... I repinned... I dug out my electric portable sewing machine... I found a good location to set it up. Ut oh - Bobbin needs a different color thread!! I found the sewing machine instructions. YEH! - I WOUND A BOBBIN SUCCESSFULLY!!! I was 'pumped' ! Next I followed the instructions again and 'TA-DA' I got the machine threaded!! Oh, those instructions are an amazing thing!! But wait, I didn't quit there... I actually had both 'finished' by the end of the afternoon!! What do you think? It works quite well with our 'Gypsy Effect'!!
AFTER (opposite window, but you get the idea!!)

...and as all you 'collectors' know, it may be a Big Job, but it is always FUN rearranging & playing with our 'toys'!!

***YSP- THANKS for the advice on the multi-photo... now, how do you get the 'captions' to go where you want them to?? ***


Shara said...

You should be able to click ont he COMPOSE tab and then enter your captions, then center then, bold them or whatever. I can olny get mine all centered and perfect when I make the photos LARGE. Medium and small make the letters wonky and run the words vertically letter by letter or some other weird manner.

I don't sew. Don't want to know how to sew. But, you did great!

woof nanny said...

I am so proud of you!!! Awesome! So glad to see you blogging too :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE the sweater clips. I have but one I found at a rummage sale. I covet it like the Holy Grail. Enjoy your collection!