Thursday, January 7, 2021 BEE's Aspirational Clutter



Need I say More?

I have been AWOL.  No good excuses.  We're all well, status quo.  I'm just feeling a need to 'dump' some idle ramblings that are clogging up my brain (ie: brain dump!).

JANUARY of a New Year - FULL of potential and possibility.  I have the same 'intentions' for this year as I did in 2019, 2018, etc... ( You can go back ONE post to see those!!).

S.T.U.F.F.  I have reach my CLUTTER THRESHOLD (Thanks Dana White!), and though I have a HIGH Threshold, one 'intention' that is getting a LOT of attention this year is PURGE, PURGE, PURGE!  I have enlisted two friends (LK & LM) to join me playing the MINS GAME.  We are on Day 7.  Today's mission is to Purge 7 items. Yesterday was 6, and tomorrow is 8.  You get the idea!?!

I have been listening to NUMEROUS Podcasts regarding 'DeCLUTTERING' and 'ORGANIZING' to keep myself motivated.  Motivation is the only thing that is in short supply, because we all know I have PLENTY-o-STUFF!!


Thanks to TheCLUTTERBUG I have learned that my organizing style is a BEE.  (Go take the quiz - it's kinda eye-opening!)

Today's 'eye-opener' came from...


and the realization of ASPIRATIONAL CLUTTER (aka: 'FANTASY SELF')

"...In short, “aspirational clutter” is all the stuff you buy for your Fantasy Self. We all have dreams, aspirations, hopes for our lives. We work towards these by getting an education, working hard, earning money, and slowly making our dreams come true."
"... Aspirational clutter is defined by two criteria: These are idle things you’re keeping only for a future version of yourself, and… They’re things that create an obstacle for you today, whether that’s taking up much-needed space or digging at your self-esteem" (
   This is a HARD one. MUCH self-reflection is involved.
~ Deciding what pursuits are worth investing time in.. 
~ Letting go of those that aren't ~ things (aspirations, dreams) that I no longer desire, or at 53yrs., realize won't (for various reasons) be part of my future.
~ WHO am I?
~ What 'exactly' IS 'MY' Style?
  I like who I currently am (for the most part), and don't want to feel 'guilted' by all the 'un-used stuff' in my current life that was purchased with the intention of a 'Better Version'!

So, with that idea fresh in my mind... Day 7 Purge was much LARGER than required by 'The Mins Game'!
I hit a portion of the 'hanging rack' in our closet! I took a Hard look at each piece... office attire from a previous chapter of my life - GONE!  Tree-Hugger FLAX linen/cotton pieces (who am I kidding that I will EVER pull out a clothes iron??) - GONE!  TWENTY-FIVE items (and 20 hangers!!) later, and I feel a 'bit' lighter...  but I have PLENTY more to sort through for the next 23 days!!

until we chat again,
be well!


svelteSTUFF said...

THANKS for stopping by!!

svelteSTUFF said...


LKintner said...

We can do this!! Thanks for inviting me to the game!!

svelteSTUFF said...

COVID hadn’t better interfere with Garage Sale 2021!!!