Tuesday, January 19, 2016


    In keeping with the HAT PURGE, we wanted to put some of them in our booth at MK, but floundered at a Good-Unique-EyeCatching way to Display...
  We let the idea mull, and continued sorting the "Last Chance" load of boxes that we had not completely sorted yet.  Box after Box of Fancy Glassware (Have I ever mentioned that I really DON'T enjoy Glassware?  Well, I don't.)   A few of the boxes (much more interesting to me!!) were F.U.L.L. of art supplies.  Probably close to 200 well-loved artists brushes, pallets, canvas...

 A 'Hall-tree' of sorts...
With a bit of a twist!

In 'use' at MK!

 Our latest 'creation' is a bit of a tribute
 to my dear friend ~ 'B'.
She was a very dear Lady, who led a long, intriguing life - FULL of her artwork and Ideas.  She lost her battle almost two years ago, but her spirit stays strong.  The carloads of boxes that we have sorting were hers - 'stuff' whose stories are lost, but soul remains.

NOW, onto 2016
Feeling the 'power' of 'possibilities' that a "Fresh.New.Year" presents us with...

Our 'ADIOS' to 2015!

Trying to clear out and make room for some more at GAC!

Our 'upgraded' locale at MK
(We are now in the BRIGHTER aqua area - directly across from the register,
PREVIOUSLY: waaaay in the back, past the dark purple divider...)

Now, for a quick tour of 'what's New'...

SEAGLASS on Watercolor!

Remember doing 'string art' when you were in Grade School?

Loving the 'Pink Button' Thing!!



1 comment:

Shara said...

You are on a creative roll, girl! Your new spot looks great. Those built ins are fabulous. Big baskets underneath full of STUFF will be great display areas. There is a booth at one of my stores that is nothing but string art. And she sells the heck out of it. You are dong your friend B right. <3