When you can have Purple Colored Glasses?

To 'revive' myself a bit, I hit a couple of Thrifts on my way home from work - guess what I found...
Uncovering these two VERA in a Linen Abyss definitely lightened my mood and put a smile on my face!!
How can you not love a big, yellow Elephant on a vibrant red background?!
Full of inspiration to reawaken my creativity with the new season...
Nothing of major excitement at the next couple of sales... onto the 'Rt Sale'!
The first stop on 'The Rt.' was a good omen for the rest of the day... Lots of Stuff. Cheap. FUN people. What more can you ask for??First stop was in the middle of town. Advertised as a GARAGE SALE, I was rather bummed when I pulled up to an old house on a corner lot which had been split into apts... NO 'Garage'!! There was a sign by the road, and I saw some people walking down the sidewalk with arms full of 'treasures'. I thought maybe around back was a small lawn... I cautiously made my way to the back - no lawn. no garage. Just an open porch door. I tentatively peaked my head in the door, and found a middle-aged (rather 'frumpy' looking housewife) arranging stuff in the kitchen. She was very welcoming- told me "Come in! Everything inside is for sale!". As I entered, I was hit by the strong aroma of candles - NOT a bad thing - could have been much worse! I was the only customer there, so we chit-chatted. The merchandise in the small kitchen consisted mostly of numerous new crockpots, numerous new blenders/food processors, and Candles! I picked up a set of those 'cheezy' Moon/Sun resin-mirror-wall hangings. When I find them on the cheap, I grab them, take them home to meet with a coating of spray paint, then hang them amidst the trunk of our Mulberry tree on the edge of the herb bed (see 9-2-09 post for a glimpse!).
Then I wandered into the next small room. Books, CD's, bookcases and some 'due for the curb' overstuffed furniture. I browsed through the books. I was intrigued when I came across a book on 'WitchCraft', but soon I realize that about half of the books were of this nature. As I perused further, some cookbooks, some 'Chicken soup for the soul'..., a title on a hardcover grabbed my eye - 'LapDance'. Completely expecting it just to be an 'eye-catching' title, I was a caught off guard when I opened it to find that was REALLY what it was about - complete with Graphic Photos and minimal text! Hmmm.... I don't consider myself a prude by any means, BUT! Would you really put something like that out at your Garage Sale???!
Next room. PACKED floor to ceiling with 1960's - current Playboys! Okay. Enough. I gathered my moon/sun and a small stack of the WitchCraft books and paid the Nice Lady.
**Just as a side-note in explanation of the books... As I have stated before, I am not of any specific belief/religion, though I find that an educated knowledge of them ALL is good 'background information'. I will browse the books, and eventually 'release' them to Ebay (some look to be fairly profitable!!).**
The next two stops were on The Bizarre side too, so I called it a day! When I got to work, I glanced at my calendar and realized it was a FULL MOON - I think that explains a Lot!!