Thursday, January 31, 2008

...playing with my toys!!

BEFORE (gold-toned window)

In the dead of Winter, us NorthEasterners are sometimes forced to be productive... for lack of anything better to do with our time! Such was the case at our house the other day. We recently upgraded to energy efficient windows and had the OLD painted window trim replaced with oak to match the rest of the first floor trim. In doing so, it called for revamping new valances on our Dining Room windows, which house some of my sweater clip collection (rhinestones and gold-tones).

I DO NOT enjoy sewing
My mother did encourage my participation in a 4H group which focussed on sewing from 5th-7th grade, so I DO know the basics (Buttons, pinning, patterns, snaps, hems, mending...) - my first 'accomplishment' was a pink gingham apron. It just stresses me out 'thinking' about doing it! So, I had Tuesday off of work... I had procrastinated and 'planned in my head' long enough - it was going to be The Day! I took inventory of my sewing box (thread... straight pins... tape measure... scissors...). I found a thread to match the fabric... I measured... I pinned... I repinned... I dug out my electric portable sewing machine... I found a good location to set it up. Ut oh - Bobbin needs a different color thread!! I found the sewing machine instructions. YEH! - I WOUND A BOBBIN SUCCESSFULLY!!! I was 'pumped' ! Next I followed the instructions again and 'TA-DA' I got the machine threaded!! Oh, those instructions are an amazing thing!! But wait, I didn't quit there... I actually had both 'finished' by the end of the afternoon!! What do you think? It works quite well with our 'Gypsy Effect'!!
AFTER (opposite window, but you get the idea!!)

...and as all you 'collectors' know, it may be a Big Job, but it is always FUN rearranging & playing with our 'toys'!!

***YSP- THANKS for the advice on the multi-photo... now, how do you get the 'captions' to go where you want them to?? ***

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Can anybody out there explain to me HOW to post more than one picture in a blog?! I have tried, and tried... regardless of 'where' I try to load the photos, they all appear clustered at the top of the text.... ARGH!!

To all of you that are Mothers-Spouses-Crafters-Sewers-Scrapbookers-Coupon Clippers-Thrifters - Home Schoolers - Career Women - Ebay/Etsy Sellers - Culinary Wizards... AND still keep up your Blogs... my hat is off to you!
(It's almost February... and time for V-Day Vignettes!!)

Monday, January 28, 2008

"...two out of three ain't bad"

Syracuse is about 25 miles/45 min. from our house. The Syracuse Regional Market transforms itself into a Flea Market on Sundays! Any trip to Syracuse on a Sunday is subject to a stop by 'The Market' on the way... yesterday we had tickets to a SU Basketball home game, or in other words 'We're going to market!! We're going to market!!'

Nothing too exciting to report. I think all of Central NY is in need of a good sunshine/stuff fix!! I DID find a VERA ($1) and an 'almost' Sweater clip (.50c) - 2/3rds of my favorite 'trifecta'! The 'sweater clip'.... well, I just don't know. It meets all of the qualifications of a SwtrCl, but it has an extra 'clip pendant' on the chain... maybe it is a variety of glove clip?? Would Greatly appreciate any ideas! I found a tarnished little silver filigree basket, a couple of 'stuff' boxes and a blue 'sugared' light bulb on a 5/$1.00 table. AND the lime green Kiddle - isn't she cute?!

I have about half a dozen of these 'sugar bulbs' now - I put them in a crystal bowl when decorating for the Holidays - don't ask why, but I just like them! The Color Karma was kept alive by the purple/pink VERA and the blue Bulb... and I don't even like blue!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

...gypsy affect?!

...and yet another Wayward Plant!

I was out running some errands, stopped into Real Deals Dollar Store (R.D.) to check out their scrapbooking supplies, and when I walked in I was greeted by this HUGE cart of GORGEOUS Cyclamen in blossom. Well, what was I to do, leave without one?! Not!! At that price I decided to risk that it would survive the ride home in the 20deg. weather. Now, to go through my Haeger surplus and find a 'fitting' pot...

Our Salv. Army was enroute, and try as I might, the car was on 'auto-pilot', and.... well, you know the scenario! I did find a brand new Rubbermaid shelf stacker-organizer for .39c (I actually had been meaning to pick one up!!) and two large rolls of Sasheen Ribbon for .29c ea. . Nothing earth-shattering, but for this time of year, I will take what I can get!

Recently an older contractor that was doing a measure-up at our house commented... "I kind of like the gypsy affect." Hmm... insult or a compliment?!

Monday, January 21, 2008

...ZEBRA & Elephant, OH MY!

Introducing my wonderful 'new' Zebra Plant - compliments of Lowe's and the amazing Miss Shara of MonkeyBox. The newest addition to my already overflowing menagerie of wayward plants earned a spot in one of my Haeger pots... kept company by a Royal Haeger elephant and mandarin ashtray - all sitting proudly on top of a VERA scarf... of course!

Friday, January 18, 2008

... color Karma?

My first Sweater Clip (SC) finds for '08 - off to a Very Good start! Unusual ones, and in GREAT colors... and only .75c each!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Purple and Turquoise colors... could this be my Color Karma for the coming year? Works for me.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

...easily amused

I rec'd a 'new-to-me' toy in the mail today! A MARVY UCHIDA tag punch!! I would send out a BIG 'thank you' to the blogger who introduced me to this a couple of weeks ago... but I can't remember which blog I read about it on. Anyways - THANK YOU.
Oh this is dangerous!! No flat punchable surface is safe now... construction paper! vintage gift wrap! used Christmas and Greeting cards! wallpaper scraps! - they are all destined to become to/from tags, scrapbook captions and price tags - just let me at them!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

...'guilt' inspiration...

Here it is...
a Photo!
Not exactly a stellar exhibition, but...
It WILL get better! Really it will.
I just felt so guilty that I 'actually' have somebody checking in on this blog, and she wants to see 'More'... Go figure! She was right - Photos aren't so scarey. Not nearly as much fun as 'hunting and gathering' (H&G) though!! Shara - this post is for you. Hope your day wasn't quite as Horrible as to be expected!! (... Did I do that neat thing that links you to other people's blogs correctly??)
It is WINTER here in Upstate NY, so there isn't much H&G happening. Aren't these Gumdrop trees adorable?! I'm picturing them with Valentine Gummie Drops... what do you think? The ornaments I am Loving! The two large ones are EXTRA LARGE - the smaller ones are regular Large. The colors are really intriguing: an unusual Blue-Purple, a Purple-Pink and the Frosted blue and Frosted almost-orange! FUN!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

2008 Test...

This is my FIRST attempt at a blog entry.
Next step, to learn photo loading to the blog!