'REBECCA' is up-n-running, so that MUST mean it's SUMMERTIME in The FingerLakes!
Ventured out yesterday to a favorite Annual BARN SALE - benefit of a local Animal Shelter, and came home with our vehicle LOADED!!
These two 'little' boxes HAD to come home with me!
Before I divulge what I 'stashed' in each...
Which would you choose?
BOX 'A' (blanket chest type box w/ hinged cover & sliding drawer inside)
BOX 'B' (Old Canada Dry wood crate)
Well, let's see what's inside BOX 'A'!
For the sweet sum of about $12 we got all of this goodness! Box, buoy, 5 souvenir trays, carved wd Argentina doll, MCM martini glass, cloth doll, USA wood puzzle, vintage wood Bobblehead, Pineapple Bank, Dragon, 4 vanity boxes, and several song books!
Did YOU choose BOX 'B'??
Well, good things come in small packages too!!
This crate added up to about $13. for: Crate, sm London candy tin, Brothers sewing machine tin full of buttons, 2 tea tins, Seahorse pottery vase, CANADA puzzle, 2 magnifying glasses, 2 NIP beads/findings, tin of 35+ hankies and a package of quality Darts!
While perusing the Barn, I spotted these two lamps for sale. NO they did NOT come home with me, but look at the bases - WOOD BLOCK PULLEYS! Confirms the identity of one of the items that we purchased about a month ago !!
After the Subaru was packed to it's limits, - did I forget to mention we also purchased this little gem?...
For a couple of years, J & I have been considering buying a 'composter'- to do away with the 'un-sightly' pile in the back corner of our property. This COMPOSTUMBLER was just.the.CHEAP.ticket!!
(Sorry folks, the blowmold Snowman was already SOLD!)
Okay, so with the Subaru stuffed, I ventured on...
We like to 'buy-local' when possible (and avoid those 'Big Boxes'), but so far this season a few plants I was searching for had alluded me.
I would not give up!
I followed a long series of backroad signs to an Amish Greenhouse. When I pulled up the driveway, I was greeted by a mini-pony w/ her baby (look towards her tail to see the white baby). My cell-phone picture didn't quite catch the 'Buggy' parked off to the left. Sights like this make 'The Journey' !!
LATER~ J & I worked on piecing the USA 'state' puzzle together... nice MCM puzzle - except "OHIO has gone MISSING"! (nothing personal!!)
Then when I pulled out the CANADA puzzle, J decided he had done enough puzzles for one day and declared (while exiting the room)...
"I don't know Canada!!"