Sunday, June 17, 2012

...Daddy's Day

 HAEGER 2012 #1 ($5) 
(Is that right? Can you believe that I made it SIX Freakin' months, and JUST.NOW broke and brought home my First piece of HAEGER?!  I'm blamin' Mom!  We saw it at a sale last weekend, It was LOVE at first site - but I was trying to be strong and I walked away from it once, the people having the sale thought it was because of the price, so they knocked 50% off, it was C.H.E.A.P. originally, then @ 50% off it couldn't be left there... Mom gave it to J and I as "an early anniversary gift" 8-) 
(NO, the 'Pink' isn't part of it.  it is an upside down planter that I am currently using as a 'pedestal for it!  Yes, it is secure by Museum adhesive.)


The verdict is in on the ' GARLIC SCAPES'...

We tried them four different ways...
  1. Straight from the garden - VERY strong garlic flavored!!!  Be warned!
  2. Made into a Pesto, no Basil used - on bread (far left) YUMMY!
  3. Made into a Marinade in food processor with a bit of Soy Sauce for Pork (Center) - Garlic flavor definitely mellows when cooked!
  4. Sauted whole with fresh Asparagus with a bit of EVOO - tasty, but again, hardly any Garlic flavor.

Overall SCAPES are a Keeper!!  Best added at the end of cooking if you like the flavor of garlic - which we LOVE!  Anybody out there ever had any experience with them???


1 comment:

Shara said...

I've never would have guessed that was a Haeger! I am halfway into the year with no picnic baskets or tablecloths. Oh, poor sad us. Ha!

I used to love garlic, but I can't eat it anymore. Those look really tasty though. Eat some for me!