Okay, this is a BIZARRE MESS!! BLOGGER on my computer has gone and changed things all around on me, so hang with me folks...
Is this a Web-wide thing ~ or just 'speshul' for me?? Hmph!
So, anyways....
It was a B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. SUNNY day in Central NY yesterday, and I was ready for a 'bit-o-adventure', so I emptied out the back of the Subaru of excess clutter, packed up THREE big bags for consignment and donation, loaded them into the back of the Subaru (quickly filling up the space I had just emptied!!), opened the sunroof, put in a CD, cranked the tunes and set out!
About halfway enroute to the consignment store I noted a roughly painted plywood sign which simply stated ESTATE SALE FRI & SAT with an arrow. It was positioned half-a##ed in the middle of a five road intersection so that you couldn't really tell easily which road 'exactly' it was pointing down. Normally this type of sign I would just ignore, since it was 11am already and the sign had NO dates, NO location, NO times... but the sign had one major thing going for it - BALLOONS!! I love 'balloons' on a sign! Balloons tell me the sign is Current - like Today! this Morning! ...'cause we all know how quick balloons deflate! So I made a couple of round-about turns and finally found the correct direction the arrow was pointing. I didn't have high hopes. Like I said, it was 11:00am already, but that's okay, I was still going in the direction I was originally headed - just by a different route... and that is always GOOD.
TON OF CARS & PEOPLE = Found it!! Now I really don't have much hope....
Outside of the house under one of the MANY tables I found ANOTHER Bowling bag (with ball - of course) - $1, and an avocado Train Case (**Note to self: MUST start parting with some of these!!). OH, I AM such a bag lady at heart it is PATHETIC!!! |
Not much left inside by the time I got there, but I did rummage through a PACKED closet and come out with this Great vintage carpet bag Purse and (2) vintage scarves... ($1 for all!!) |
...and this little be-jeweled, mud wasp infested GEM may not look like much now, but I was THRILLED to find it tucked up in the rafters of the back porch at the estate. I have been looking for a 'chandelier' on-the-cheap for our back porch for years that I can 'have my way with', and at $5 I think this baby fits the bill! ~stay tuned~
That's it.
Not a TON, but I am one HAPPY CAMPER with my new toys!!!!!
(good thing, 'cause I went to a Rummage sale this am that I couln't get out of quick enough - ewe!!)
Now... back to this rug project... |