The work really does wait for you!
As 'unglamorous' of a photo as this is, this is the reality of our 'Holiday' weekend... and the payoff of a spending a glorious week and a half away! Back to reality. The reality that next week we are hosting a family garage sale, the flower beds are all in desperate need of attention, the vegetable garden is on a time schedule, etc... and no magical little fairy came and waved her little wand while we were gone.

Despite a time crunch, when I 'should' be cleaning, weeding, and preparing food for guests... I got the 'brilliant' idea ( ignoring the sound advice I'd recently given a good friend advising AGAINST the difficulty in building raised beds) to build a raised bed... Some people will do just about anything to avoid the inevitable tasks at hand.

Basil was bought and planted in preparation for PESTO!!

Just one quick stop at an 'INSIDE' sale... just because J & I really wanted to check out the house - it was an AMAZING old house! I was openly drooling - and that was before J spotted this HAEGER Tall Pitcher Vase - 'antique 1957 - 58 playful, polka dots of green & brown blend' $5 2011 #6

I have been eyeing some of the lovely terra cotta 'head' planters, but just haven't been able to justify the cost for another of my 'whims'.
Then, I got the inspiration for this coverless McCoy cookie jar that I haven't had any luck selling on Etsy. I added some chives ( so I can give him 'stylin' haircuts on a regular basis!!), and Voila'!